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People Are Furious Over
Kristoffer Borgli's
New Short Film

Came for the wonderful short, stayed for the exasperating comments section.

⮑ Former Cult Member Hears Music For the First Time

We love the film, it was in the official selection for this year's Sundance Film Festival, and it premiered as a Vimeo Staff Pick. It seemed like nothing could go wrong. But somehow Borgli still managed to piss people off.

Apparently, quite a few people seem to think that the film is a documentary. Therefore, they are understandably furious at the inhumane treatment the film's main character is subject to.Here is a selection of comments on Borgli's Vimeo:

So you just left her on the street! What happened to her from the video it looks like she was there from a long time. It’s criminal to not call 911 and get her medical help.

I gave it a couple minutes, tho skeptical bc it's virtually impossible not to hear music for a person of her age.

a really stupid video. are they actors.?? what kind of experiment is this,?? if the young lady has problems for real.... this is not the way to help her. shame

They should have called 911 when they realized she was unconscious! Giving her a break is not the solution, they should do what the blonde woman says! The video started shuffling at minute 6, but I don't think I will wait for it to load in order to finish watching it, like, the shot where they showed her head with blood, like it is gross, they should have callen emergencies earlier.

Apparently, Kristoffer Borgli will always find a way to enfuriate people. You can check out the entire comments section here. And don't worry, no one was harmed during the making of the film.

Let it be known: Director Kristoffer Borgli pokes a lot of fun. Always has, always will.

He made the mockumentary 'Whateverest' that got reviewed as a documentary by The Guardian, and as American news outlets freaked out about the new 'Joker' movie he gave a thouroughly trolling interview about the subject.

Now he has just released his new short film, 'Former Cult Member Hears Music For The First Time', which is a hilarious comment on clickbait journalism and fake altruism. You can watch it here:



Former Cult Member Hears Music For the First Time